Descriptive naming examples

Examples of descriptive names, stemming from discussion on this page, organised by topic.


Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments Concept type
Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem Sequential compactness theorem, Lion-hunting theorem 'Lion-hunting' is a reference to one of the ways of proving the theorem Theorem
Rolle's theorem Hilltop theorem Theorem
Picard-Lindelöf theorem Standard ODE theory, Existence and uniqueness theorem Lecturers seem to say 'by standard ODE theory there exists a unique solution' anyway. Theorem
Kakutani Fixed-Point Theorem I don't have a name for this but just wanted to include a funny name related anecdote. Kakutani once asked another mathematician at a conference why so many economists attended his talk. The mathematician replied it was probably because of the Kakutani fixed point theorem. Kakutani was puzzled and replied "What is the Kakutani fixed point theorem?" Theorem
Cauchy sequence Diametrically shrinking sequence Define the Nth diameter to be DN=max{|xm-xn| : m, n > N}. Then a sequence is Cauchy if DN→0.


Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments Concept type
Leibniz Rule Derivation Property Property, Identity
Pythagoras Theorem Hypotenuse Theorem, Orthogonality Theorem Follows from polarisation identity and orthogonality. Theorem
Ricci Flat Vacuum Flat From GR. Ricci flat <=> Ricci tensor vanishes <=> Einstein tensor vanishes <=> Energy-momentum tensor vanishes <=> Vacuum Theorem
Kähler Manifold Complectric Manifold A portmanteau of complex, symplectic and metric Property
Lie Group Smooth Group
Lie Algebra of a Lie Group Infinitesimal algebra (of a smooth group) All finite dimensional Lie algebras correspond to Lie groups.


Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments Concept type
Hausdorff Space Housed-off Space, Bubble Space 'Housed-off' is funny mnemonic. 'Bubble space' as different points can be put in separate bubbles Property
Heine-Borel Theorem Compactness in Rn, bounded compactness theorem 'Boundedly compact' sometimes used for closed, bounded sets Theorem


Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments
Jacobi Identity Cycle condition, homomorphism property of adjoint, derivation property of adjoint.

Linear Algebra

Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments Concept type
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality Projection Inequality Divide both sides by norm of one of the vectors. The inequality is a natural statement about projections. Theorem, relation
Sylvester's law of inertia Law of inertia, well-definedness of signature Theorem

General Relativity (or Differential Geometry)

Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments
Minkowski metric/spacetime Flat metric/spacetime
Levi-civita connection Metric connection Connection uniquely defined by metric
Christoffel symbols Connection components, geodesic components Components appearing in connection/geodesic equation
Lie derivative Fisherman's derivative, flow derivative
Riemannian metric [tensor] Metric [tensor]
Riemann curvature tensor Curvature tensor (for the frame bundle)
Ricci tensor Contracted curvature tensor, metric distortion tensor Metric distortion: see Wikipedia page for Ricci tensor, direct geometric meaning
Ricci scalar Scalar curvature Already used
Einstein tensor Trace-reversed [Ricci tensor] Insert favourite name for [Ricci tensor]
Bianchi identity Conservation of dual field strength/curvature
Ricci identity Curvature as commutator of covariant derivatives
Kretschmann scalar Quadratic curvature scalar, total curvature Total curvature as it is non-zero as long as curvature is non-zero: it is the Yang-Mills functional term for the Levi-Civita connection.
Einstein's field equations Gravitational field equations
Killing vector fields Isometry generating vector fields/isometry generators
Killing's equation Isometry equation The equation satisfied by isometry generators

Quantum mechanics

Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments Concept type
[Time (in)dependent] Schrödinger equation Evolution equation for states, quantum equation of motion, wavefunction equation of motion Differential equation
Boson Symmetron, Fungible particles Symmetric under transposition of particles. They are fungible, that is, any two bosons with the same wavefunction are indistinguishable. Physical object
Fermion Signon, Non-fungible particles Permutations act on multiparticle systems in the sign representation. Physical object

Quantum Field Theory

Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments
Klein-Gordon Equation Free Field Equation (for a real scalar field)
Scalar Yukawa Theory Scalar real/complex coupling
Yukawa interactions Scalar-fermion coupling
Second Quantisation Occupation representation Comes from the mistaken belief that the solution to the Dirac equation described a wavefunction, and so was a 'second quantisation' of an already quantum wavefunction. But the current understanding is that a classical field is quantised to give the Dirac fermion field, hence would be a first quantisation of a field, written in terms of occupation numbers of points of the field.
Non-linear sigma model Manifold model, coset model The sigma or σ comes from a field which emerges from the model but is not a feature of such models that current research is interested in. The field takes values in a manifold which is often a homogeneous space G/H.
Mandelstam variables Channel variables s, t and u correspond to different channels in 2-to-2 scattering.

Statistical Field Theory

Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments
Ising model Z2 lattice model The Z2 describes the space that spin configurations functions are valued in. The spin configuration functions are valued on a lattice Λ

Advanced Quantum Field Theory

Terminology from the Advanced Quantum Field Theory course in Part III.
Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments
Grassmann variable/Grassmann number Anticommuting number; supernumber; exterior element First two names are already in use according to wikipedia. Exterior element is own terminology, as Grassmann variables are really associated to generators of an exterior algebra, that is, basis vectors of a generating vector space.
Berezin integral Superintegral An integral over the odd or 'fermionic' part of superspace
LSZ (Lehmann, Symanzik, Zimmermann) reduction formula S-matrix/correlator/vertex function correspondence The reduction formula makes precise why we are interested in calculating correlators
Wavefunction renormalisation Field renormalisation Vestige from when physicists still thought quantum fields could be interpreted as wavefunctions, which also gave notation like `second quantisation'.
Wick rotation Complex coordinate rotation
Feynman diagrams Interaction diagrams
Landau pole Coupling pole Scale at which coupling constant becomes infinite
Callan-Symanzik equation Renormalisation differential equation (for correlators)
Schwinger-Dyson equations QFT/functional EOM (equations of motion) QFT analogue of Euler-Lagrange equations
Ward-Takahashi identity Correlator Noether identity Yes, yes, there is still a name, but Noether is so tied to this idea of symmetry-conservation correspondence. Really we'd have to go back and rename Noether's theorem.
Yang-Mills Theory (Lagrangian) Curvature minimising; G-Electromagnetism (G for Lie Group, often G = SU(N)) G-Electromagnetism as Yang-Mills theory is a generalisation of electromagnetism, from U(1) to a general smooth group G, although this is somewhat unsatisfying as Yang-Mills theory is often qualitatively different, for example having self-interactions. 'Curvature minimising' as least action is achieved when some notion of total curvature is minimised.
Wilson lines (Trace of the) holonomy This is already the used terminology in maths
Faddeev-Popov ghosts (or procedure) Gauge ghosts, ghosting procedure
BRST quantisation Ghost SUSY quantisation

Symmetries in particle physics

Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments
Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff (BCH) formula Exponential formula for [Lie algebras]
Killing form (Adjoint) trace form An example of general trace forms, which can be defined on any representation ρ
Chern-Simons forms Characteristic (class) forms This is their name in Chern and Simons original paper
Cartan Sub-algebra Maximally ad-diagonalisable subalgebra
Cartan-Weyl basis Charge-root basis
Poincaré group ISO(p,q) Isometries of flat space with a metric of signature (p,q)
(Generalised) Gell-Mann matrices/basis Standard real SU(N) basis The real is an important qualifier here: this basis preserves SU(N) as a real Lie algebra. As a complexified Lie algebra a much more standard basis is the one of unit matrices (with 1 in a single entry, 0 elsewhere).


Non-descriptive name Descriptive name(s) Explanation/comments Concept type
Navier-Stokes equation
Péclet number
Prandtl number
Reynolds number Inertia-viscosity ratio
Schmidt number
Strouhal number

Inverse problem

Here we rename a concept after its creator, and see how disastrous the consequences are.

Name Discoverer-named Consequences Concept type
Differentiation Newtonisation, Leibnizisation Operation
Integration Leibnizisation, Newtonisation The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus becomes 'the AntiNewtonian is the Leibnizisation' Operation